Would you enforce it on everybody in your house?

Honey🌚 • 29. Pcos. Married. 👶🏻💙2/22/2020

Forgive me if this isn’t the right group for it 😬

So I was just watching a vlog on YouTube and the mother in it announced they were making lifestyle changes. Completely eliminating dairy. She has 6 kids and 2 of them can’t have dairy. Well one is confirmed and the other they don’t know yet. So they decide to take it all way and do this lifestyle change as a family. She’s mentioned a few people in the household are unhappy and not on board but they’ll still have to do it. Now my question is would you guys do something like that if only one or two people were effected by something in your household ?

I don’t think I would. I would just be extra cautious and make sure I am feeding the correct foods to everyone. My nephew has celiac disease so he does a gluten free diet and avoids a bunch of other things because of his allergies. My sister in law has 2 other kids who are fine and don’t need any sort of special diet. So for her son they do everything gluten free etc and everybody else eats like they normally do. I’ve taken care of the kids on bunch of different occasions and have always made sure my nephews food is different from his siblings and I even go as far as using different pots and pans for him.

I don’t think it’s fair for others to have to give up something they can eat without any issues.

What would you guys do?