Sleep deprived help


It’s a long story but can anyone help.

My son is 15 months old

My son was ill for 2 weeks (cold) he hates been in his cot when he’s ill so I normally bring him into my bed. (I may get an hour or 2 sleep (paranoid when he’s in my bed) he then got rid of it for 3 days during them 3 days we tried getting him back into his own bed. But then he got a cold which turned into croup. And after another 2 weeks he’s finally got rid of that....

Well before he was ill we would bath and bed him, he would fall asleep in his cot anywhere from 7-9 depending on when we give him the bath and when we had tea ect. He would fall asleep by himself.

After he’s been ill we now have to fight with him just to fall asleep I’ve tried everything he cries till he’s sick (about 1.5mins) when he’s in his cot so can’t leave him. Tried the sit/stand at the door way and not talk he just cries till he’s sick (I don’t let him be sick when I see he’s getting to that point I have to get him out) not only is it a nightmare to just get him to sleep in his own cot he won’t go to sleep till anywhere between 11-2am

Before he was ill

7am get up bottle breakfast ect

Betweeb 11-1 ish he would have a nap

7-9 bath bed him sleep

After he was ill

Gets up between 7-10 (I’ve started to wake him up so he gets tired on a night (doesn’t work)

Has a nap between 12-1

7-9 bath bed him (doesn’t go to sleep)

10/11 might go to sleep till 1/2ish then he’s up till 3ish and maybe a bit earlier I then take him into his own room as he won’t fall asleep there it has to be on my bed .... then I can’t sleep so I only get an hour or 2

I’m going to be going to college soon (I’m turning 18 in march) and I need to get my sleeping patten sorted and so does my son. For the past 5/6ish weeks I’ve been having 1-3 hours sleep a night/during the day no more than that

Can you please help !!!!