Large Purchase Decisions (new car)


So I just need to rant. My car I've had since before I met my husband finally.broke down and I sold it. I think with a baby on the way, I'd prefer something with some space. Like a minivan. They're called Mom mobiles for a reason. I've found so many great deals, but apparently just because we only have one child on the way, it's only right that we get THE SMALLEST CAR HE CAN FIND! I Don't know if he realizes how hard it is to get large carseats and play pens, and of course strollers into a tiny car. It's a pain. All of you Mama's with small cars already know it's nicer to have some room. Tried showing him a Ford focus instead. He still isn't happy. He hates how they look. So basically we either end up with the God forsaken deathtrap with a rag top, or he will die trying. Apparently there's no compromise. He wants a bachelor's car and I want one to drive our kid around in. Maybe he will finally grow up once Oakley gets here and realize what a family car is.