I want to want to have sex but I just DO NOT

I feel bad about not wanting to have sex and it could be a huge combination of things (having a toddler - via c-section so now real damage, sex is usually uncomfortable given how my insides are, I’m now in my late 30’s, I miscarried 4 months ago, my husband emotionally cheated about 3 years ago and it was humiliating, etc) and I really want to want to have sex but I just can’t and it’s not exactly fair to my husband (and yes we’ve done couples counseling and while I get why he did what he did and have chosen to move on, I can’t forgive it) and while I’m fine with just getting it over with quickly, he’s not. And I get that. I have sex dreams and randomly get turned on for a little bit but that’s about it. I’m trying some libido herbs by Gaia or Gaiam that have gotten a lot of positive reviews but does anyone else have this problem? I feel like all of those jokes about sex not happening once you have kids are true but there has to be SOMETHING I can do.