Anxiety about my preemie getting sick

💛EC • Mommy of 2 beautiful girls💕

My daughter was born 7 weeks early, and had a 2 week nicu stay. My pregnancy was really hard, and I also had to have an emergency c section and be put to sleep. All of this has caused severe postpartum anxiety. I constantly worry that she will get sick or that something will happen to her. Tomorrow she will be 4 months old, but her adjusted age is 11 weeks.

When you hear about premature babies, they always talk about weakened immune systems. Because of that, I’m so worried about her getting sick and having to stay in the hospital.

My question is, being 4 months old/11 weeks adjusted, is she still at a greater risk if she gets sick? My older daughter has a nasty cold right now, and I know in older kids, RSV just presents as a cold, so I’m so worried for my little one.