Early start!

Mrs. • Momma to 3 on earth and 2 in heaven. Pregnant with the next adventure! 2014👼🏼, 2016👧🏼, 2018👧🏼, 2020👼🏼, 2022👧🏼, 2025🤰🏻

So we’ve decided to start early with names! Lol our first Girl was easy naming, our second girl not so much literally took us 10 hours after she was born 🤦🏼‍♀️ So we’ve decided to start earlier this time lol.

Looking for ideas for a Girl name and Boy name to go with their Sisters Names which are:

Hailey Mae & Kylee Jade Nicole.

Personally I LOVE the name Sawyer for a little girl but I’ve been trying to convince my husband since our first pregnancy lol