Miscarriage, then faint positive lines... then period...


Y’all, I’m confused and just hoping someone has had a similar experience to put my mind at ease.

We had a really hard time getting pregnant with our first and had 2 miscarriages after 3 years of trying before we had our first.

I found out I was pregnant on Halloween 2019. After trying since June 2019 for our second one. For some reason I had a Gestational sac but never formed a fetus, we waited and waited hoping it was just hiding. On December 12th 2019 I had a medically induced miscarriage. I was 10 weeks and emotionally it just tore me up. I finally stopped bleeding from that one after Christmas and decided we’d wait till I got my period again before actively trying again.

Well, last week I got 3 faint positive pregnancy tests, I hadn’t had my period yet and thought maybe it was just too early for it to show a strong positive and I took it as a sign that maybe this was a miracle baby. Three days later my period started so I assumed it was false positives that I had gotten. My period lasted it’s normal 5 days and was mostly gone but then today the strangest thing happened.

I started feeling like I had peed myself and went to the bathroom only to find tons of bright red blood and a clot the size 3/4 of a silver dollar. Then bled through a pad and my underwear in 30 mins and passed another clot the size of 2 quarters... is this another miscarriage? Is it leftover from my last one? Or is this my period being strange after a miscarriage?

Y’all I called my doctor and still am waiting for a call back, but I’m losing hope that I’ll ever get pregnant again with a normal healthy pregnancy... what’s wrong with me?!?