Do you trust your gut?

I have had a feeling I am having a boy despite an ultrasound at 15 weeks. I had bloodwork done at 9 weeks. I did my own at home through sneakpeak but they had me as a fast track customer when I was not and sent me emails that shouldn't have been sent to me before ny results. Anyway I feel like I am going crazy with this gut feeling 😣 starting to become a nuisance. I had 2 ultrasound done by the same person 2 days apart due to them breaking my privacy policy and trying to make it up to me (long story) but at the first she looked like a he 🤷 so I questioned it and set off the sonographer I guess so she said come back tomorrow. The Dr ond ultrasound looked MORE like a girl but her legs were crossed in the first and second scan but more in the second 🤦

so I feel at a loss. Here are the pics. I know 3 lines usually means girl but if legs are crossed it can be hard to tell so I have been told and my sister's son had 3 lines too and a small penis at 15 weeks 🤷 I know I am no expert. No rude comments please. I also don't know why one says 3rd trimester. Thank you for your opinions ladies ❤

Ankles crossed here but not visible in the picture first scan

Legs crossed again first scan

Updated picture

Updated picture

Legs crossed here first scan

Underside. Sonographer said swollen girl parts.

Underside view. First scan

First scan also for the next 3