All in good timing.... trust the process!!


*** repost from complications in the other group**

My husband and I have been trying for two years. Seemed like an eternity. I always turned to this group for hope and support. Going off of everyone’s story and the similarities. Seeing every one sprinkle the baby dust in hopes of every month being “my month” you can only hear “it will happen when you relax” “just don’t think about it” “don’t stress” blah blah blah so many times until you just lose hope and test after test is just a disappointment. My period is never really regular so I couldn’t ever go off of my “late days. TODAY I took a test on my lunch and let me tell you tears of joy when I came back to the bathroom to check only to think it’s another negative. NOT TODAY! I’m still in shock 😭 🙏🏽 I give it all to God and his timing! Always trust in his timing. Good luck everyone!