Working and pumping POSITIVE POST


Just wanted to share with other mommas currently pumping at work or going to in the near future... I’ve been back at work pumping for 3 weeks now. The weeks leading up to it were full of anxiety and worry about how was I going to keep doing it as a teacher 😧

I’ve been blessed with the most supportive family and colleagues because they’ve had my back and given me the support I need to keep EP for my beautiful baby girl!

They’ve given me a safe and private place of my own as well as the time.

So’s possible! Don’t give up and try to expect GREAT things instead of worrying and being anxious. I wasted so much time crying and being upset before I even returned to work and I regret it.

I’ve learned that the life of an exclusive pumper can only be taken a day at a time. And I Love that I can come on here and share my feelings.

Much life blessings and strength sent your way super hero mommas!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

*Picture of my pumpling and work set up included*