So frustrated

Renea • Trying for my first after 6 years with 3 losses throughout 🌈 🌈🌈

Look at that beautiful positive OPK! I just wish my f****** doctor would have called me back weeks ago and would have done the HSG when I asked the second time. Then I would feel confident about getting pregnant naturally this cycle. Actually I wish he would have done it when I ask him to before we started our last 3 medicated cycles. I'm just so frustrated with that whole situation. Like I am positive I can get pregnant naturally. I just need help making sure everything is open and cleaned out for it and I take the progesterone I need. I don't know what to do. I dont know if I should just ask the nee doctor in Dallas to do a HSG and Hysteroscopy if needed and then me and SO try naturally a month or 2 or if I should just spend the money and go ahead with invocell. I am so confused on what to do. I am tried of waiting and just want to be pregnant, but I also dont want to spend the money if I don't have to. Invocell is not cheap. 😫

A little back story. We have been trying 5 years. I got pregnant naturally 2 years ago and miscarried at 6 weeks. I then had a HSG showing a blocked tube, so we did Hysteroscopy and cleaned everything. I got pregnant that same month, bu

t miscarried. I am pretty sure the reason I kept miscarrying is because of my progesterone. My doctor then decided to try ovulation induction cycles. He would not do and HSG before starting to make sure I am still open. So we did 3 cycles and they all failed. I called his office on 1/8 when I started my period to see if we can do a HSG again. I finally got his office to call me back yesterday 1/24. I told them I am done with there office and moving on to someone else.

Sorry for such a long post. I just need to vent to people that would understand.