

I just got to rant for a second.. First off I'm 7 weeks pregnant with my second, our first turns 10 months in about 2 weeks. We're excited but we haven't announced yet so I'm just trying to deal with the exhaustion of motherhood and pregnancy and the flood of hormones and keeping myself in check so people don't know.

Well I about flipped shit on Thursday at work because my husbands aunt was watching our daughter for the day and she happened to throw up over there (just once, and we all know some times babies throw up) we'll my husbands aunt told my MIL (probably because she feels the need to check in in everyone, especially her little sister) and when she heard she immediately texted me saying she was going to go pick her up. I told her no, if something was really wrong I'd take care of it but she didn't need to go.. She had been sick and if my daughter wasn't actually sick then I didn't want her exposed.

Also she didn't babysit my niece that day because she wasn't feeling up to it, so why they hell would I let her take my daughter if she wasn't feeling up to babysitting? It was just so frustrating that she didn't let me make the call, or decide what to do with my own kid.

Then today she decided she needed to spend time with our daughter because she was sick and missed her day with her (which she was mad that we got a different babysitter even though she told us she was sick) so I told her today would be a good day, my husband wants to golf this afternoon and I could use the alone time. She said good and asked if she could pick my daughter up at 9. I said that was great. About 8:45 she said she wouldn't be here until 9:30 they finally showed up at 9:45.. I mean if you're going to make the plan at least stick to it.. And I wouldn't be so annoyed if she hadn't been so wishy washy earlier in the week when my husband asked her to babysit for awhile while he got a few things done (he got an extra Tuesday off) she was already scheduled to babysit he just wanted to make sure she still could even though he was home and she didn't care that much about it then.. She only wants to do things on her time table and when it's convenient for her and it's so annoying..