Stopped ttc in November and now think I'm pregnant

Ana • 💑 ttc since Dec 18

So stopped ttc to book a holiday and change job.

We had 2 slip ups this month. And I started feeling sick and tired a few days ago. I've had 2 lines I could see but not many could when I posted them and more importantly my so couldn't.

So I got another faint line today didn't take a pic as my other half could see it. But it is so faint. I'm still feeling sick. Seems to be strong smells and worse when I'm hungry. I've got a tight feeling were I normally get period cramps. Almost a pinching sensation. I'm exhausted all the time. My boobs are sore. But that is normal before my period so discounting that. Glow says I'm due in 3 days but lately my periods have been earlier so I would have been due today based on the last 6 cycles. Nothing. No blood. I know I have to keep testing but I'm just getting anxious.