Subchorionic hematoma 9weeks


Tonight I went to the ER because I had really bad cramping and something just felt off. I have two beautiful boys and this is technically my 5th pregnancy because I’ve miscarried twice before. I get there, they do blood work, give me a pelvic exam, and then an ultrasound. Luckily he did see the baby and the heartbeat was 169. Thanks goodness. That’s all I had wanted to hear. Then he pointed at a little sac above the baby and said that’s a subchorionic hematoma. The doctor will tell you more when you see him. The doctor comes in and basically said that it’s a small blood clot where the placenta detached(I think) and that I’m at a very high risk for miscarriage and needed to see my OB ASAP. He told me to stay off my feet til I follow up with her, don’t work ect. Then sent me home with a ton of information on threatened miscarriage. I’m super freaked out. I can’t stop crying. Idk what to do. Idk if this is normal, if I did something wrong, or if I’m

Going to loose my baby. I’m only 9 weeks but I’m already so attached to my little bean. I don’t think my husband understands why I’m so upset.

We’ve been trying for two years. I started to feel like we couldn’t have more babies until I got my Christmas positive.

Am I over reacting? Have any of you ladies had this and been fine? They didn’t give me a picture of the ultrasound or I’d post it.

Please send positive vibes my way! I need them right now