Why don’t I feel pregnant yet?


This is my third pregnancy. My first two pregnancies were normal but for some reason my brain will not let me believe I’m actually pregnant this time.

I’m 12 weeks. I’ve seen the baby on ultrasound. Been told everything looks perfect. It’s like I won’t be able to believe it until I have a big belly or feel them moving. I honestly forget I’m pregnant sometimes until I go to move a piece of furniture or to just do something you’re not supposed to when you’re pregnant. Like today I was about to push our very heavy king size bed across the room to clean but it was like “oh yeah I’m pregnant, probably shouldn’t do that.”

It hasn’t clicked with me yet. It feels like it’s happening to someone else. When someone asks me how everything is going, I’m like “How’s what going?” It’s so strange. It’s making me nervous. Like it could be a sign I’ll have postpartum depression or something. I haven’t “bonded” so to speak when I was all about my other 2 pregnancies from day 1. I need some insight.