Finally Happy 23 weeks and 3 weeks later!

So I’m finally happy about my pregnancy! I’ve felt guilty for over 20 weeks straight about not feeling excited. Not feeling connected. I was so worried about the timing of this unplanned pregnancy. Obsessively told myself I’ll never be able to do it. I’ll be a horrible mom. I can’t work so how can I provide for her. Well, I’m gonna do it! I’m gonna be the best damn mom I can be! And I’m gonna provide all the love my heart has to offer while her amazing daddy (my amazing hubby) works his ass of for our family! I gained this confidence all because of one kick! I saw my baby girl kick my belly so hard that it moved! Then it just kept happening over and over for 10 minutes straight and so did the tears! Happy tears this time! Not scared tears! Not sad tears! Only happy tears! To my daughter, I’m sorry it took momma so long! I’ve loved you this whole time to a point I was too scared to be happy. I was told twice that I lost you which made me refuse to be comfortable with any emotion but fear. I hope one day I can reassure you that everything will be okay the way you reassured me tonight! Mommy loves you baby girl! These next 16 weeks are gonna be hard in a completely different way!

To all the mommy’s who have felt the same as I have the first half of their pregnancy, it’s okay! It’s gonna be okay as long as you have each other. Whether you can provide them with love, money, or both! It’s gonna be okay! Whether this timing is perfect for you or not, it’s gonna be okay! Allow those kicks and movements to be your reassurance! Allow yourself to be happy! To stop feeling fear about the the future! WE ARE ALL GONNA BE OKAY!!! 🥰