I'm upset..and or angry?


Tonight, my cat is dying. She is 18 and in active death. Shes not in pain, just slowly fading away and I've been a wreck all day crying and holding her. I've had her since she was 6 weeks old and I'm devastated.

I'm in a long distance relationship. I've been saying for a couple of days that she wasnt right and I was worried. Tonight I told him that this was probably my last night with her and really needed to hear his voice. He was out with his mom but told me he would call me at some point - like 5 hours ago. The last text I got was that he needed me to stay level headed, basically not lose my shit because he was not going to come and see me at (insert local.psych hospital name here). That is the last message I got. Almost 3 hours ago. I've texted since, no answer. Which leaves me to assume that he did what he always does and goes home and "passes out" without answering me. Fine. Whatever. But tonight? I needed him. I needed him more than ever. I needed to hear his voice because I feel like my world is ending right now. I sent him a text, carefully worded and basically said that I'm upset because he was supposed to call me. I needed him and he was supposed to call me and the last thing I got wasnt an I love you or anything meaningful, it was telling me not to lose my shit because he wouldn't come see me in a nut house.

I'm hurt. I'm upset. I'm angry. I put up with this "I fell asleep I'm sorry" all the time but tonight I cant take that as an excuse.

I need advice on how not to lash out. Hes not going to appreciate me calling out his shit tonight and I'm not really expecting an apology because of his normal attitude about everything.