I don’t know what’s wrong. Please read!


Okay so about two weeks ago I had really bad itching/ burning/ white discharge/ swelling. Thought it was a yeast infection so I bought the 7 day treatment cream. IT got worse!! So I ended up going to the hospital. They then diagnosed me with a UTI saying their was no yeast in my pee and the cream I put up there was causing further irritation. They gave me pills to take twice a day for seven days. After I finished the pills ( taking them very consistently) I was still having irritation/ burning and discharge. Went back to the hospital and they just prescribed me a new medication ( I’m also 5 months pregnant so they said it’s common to have UTIs) I’ve been taking the medication for about two days now But my symptoms seem to be worse than the first round of medication I tried. My discharge has went fron white to a very light yellowish/pale color even giving the impression of a snot. And I’ve still been having burning/itching . Now tonight the whole right side of my Labia is VERY swollen and irratated. I know I don’t have any STDs because I’m pregnant and have to get checked everytime I got to the doctor. But I’m wondering what it could be and if the doctors are properly diagnosing me?! PLEASE HELP I just want my healthy vagina back.