I never liked hot showers until yesterday

Yesterday afternoon I went upstairs to take a nap after not being able to sleep because I have a two month old. My mom and stepdad jumped at the chance to watch her, so my fiancé decided to join me. We both slept for quite a while, but he got up before me and decided to get a hot shower going for himself. I woke up after him, and decided to sneak into the bathroom to join in. Needless to say he was pleasantly surprised. We start kissing a little bit, letting the hot water run down our skin and fill the bathroom with steam. He pushes me up against the shower wall and starts kissing me hard. My knees were so weak I thought they were about to give out! We start really feeling each other up and he slowly moves his hand downwards which gave me the chills. He lightly grazes my clit and I seriously almost dropped to my knees. I almost forgot how amazing his hands felt; it’s been quite a while since we’ve had sex. Now he’s never been one to go down on me and eat me out but last night was completely different. He pushes me up against the shower wall, goes down to his knees (we have a comfy shower mat!) lifts one of my legs over his shoulder and starts to lick me and bite me and my god was it amazing. I kind of had to direct him to where it felt good but I loved it. We eventually moved it to the bathroom floor and had some mind blowing sex. I think I like hot showers now.