Infertility after chemo and tranplant


I want to share my story today I got a horrible from call after taking out my iud nov 1,2019. My am hormone is low. It is the ability to produce eggs. Its very low. I was diagnosed with lupus type 4 in Jan 2009 at 21 years old. The lord promises me healing and q baby Did chemo and prednisone and a million other things. Had kidney failure, arthritis, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure. Long story short I was able to get prego when docs said no babies because I can die and maybe chemo might of kill the reproductive system. My baby was born and I lost my kidneys a month later. I did 6 years of dialysis. My baby is now 9 years old. The lord also during my illness promise me a boy. There has been 4 confirmation of this. So with the sad news today I tell you god is above all diagnoses. He is above being sterile or fertile! He will do all he has promised because he isn’t a lier and he isn’t man to change his mind.... as well as he is a faithful God. So those who have heard bad news our hope and faith is in Jesus Christ king of king and lord of lords. I will now allow the enemy to make me shed a tear, bring me sadness or take my faith from me. I also open my heart to adoption and or being a foster parent for the while being. ❤️ god bless u all peace be with u all. He gave me my first child she was a miracle I raised 4 step children as the primary home. And my house will be open for any baby that needs love 💕