Reaching out for help..


This past cycle I took letrozole and ended up pregnant, however, my first HCG labs showed a very low quant of 58.

Since I have a history of two other loses, with only one live birth 14 years ago (I was only 18) I had 48 comparison HCG drawn.

The levels dipped to 41.

A week has passed, and I’ve had no symptoms of losing this. In fact, my chest is still sore.

My concern is with not passing this naturally, ectopic pregnancy, and just the emotional burden itself.

Any similar stories? A message has been sent to my OB, but other than a long list of other labs she’s running on me, she never asked that I rush in. My follow up isn’t until next week. I just don’t want there to be any immediate dangers to my baby making machine 🤷🏼‍♀️ 🤔😒😢