Thyroid levels


Please bare with me as I put everything down I’m confused myself.

I’m 3 months postpartum with my babygirl vaginal delivery and yes I started taking bc after birth low dose due to breastfeeding. Well I got my period the ending of November didn’t think much of lasted 3 days.

Went on with my days still breastfeeding I got my period again the second week of December still thought my cycle is just trying to get back to normal what ever again didn’t think much. Once my period ended 3 days later husband and I had sex right After sex I started bleeding I was like what’s going on lasted 2 days. And then again I got my period the week after thought it was the bc so I stopped taking them but I started bleeding every week lasting a day or 3 days that till this day I still bleed.

and I got so fed up I made apt with dr and they ran test labs and ultrasound of uterus my ultrasound came back normal nothing wrong my labs came back my thyroid is low dr says I have to be 0.35 and I was 0.32 and she retested my labs and my results were 0.22 lower than before. Which is why I keep bleeding cause my thyroid is low my hormones are going cray.

Now I’m just waiting for dr to reach back after she speaks to a endometrial dr but my question is has anyone ever had this problem? Should I be scared since thyroid cancer runs in my family