I held the baby!


My brother in law married a woman after 4 weeks of knowing her. Well after a month of marriage he regretted it. He left her then went back then left again. During this time he has bad mouthed her. Called her crazy and that’s why he’s leaving. Well they got pregnant the last time they got back together. He was not happy. He expressed that he might not be the father because they had been broken up. After finding out they were gunna have a baby he left the state. He the stated to me that he wished and hope the baby wasn’t his. I was shocked he said that. He knew her due date since the beginning. During her pregnancy filed for divorce. The due date arrives and he choose not to be there. I tried to convince him to come he did not want to. Well a week later the family decides to visit the baby . He came out to see it and brought his other two children. He said to meet at the wife’s house at ten. We actually left a little late. We got there right on time even though it was an hour drive. We pull up and me and my husband decide to wait in the car. Well the wife comes out and says did you guys ring the door bell? We get out of the car and say no not yet. She’s all come on in. She’s delightful! We had only met her once and very brief. As I’m walking down the hallway still she turns around quickly with baby in arms and says do you want to hold him?! She didn’t give time to respond and place the baby on my chest! So while holding the baby 15 min pass by and the bro in law walks in. The mother during this time was making coffee and putting out snacks. Well he walks and sees me holding the baby and mouths wtf!! Then very angrily tell me you know I haven’t seen it or held it! He’s shaking mad. He takes the baby. Holds the baby boy for 30 seconds then passes it to his oldest daughter. Then his mom and step dad walk in and he runs over to his mom and says that I was holding the baby first. Well we all had a nice time visiting and she was very nice and sweet. The bro in law held the baby one other time again for 30 seconds for a picture.His mom leaves first. Then we get up to leave and say goodbye to everybody. Near the front door there’s a bedroom that she turned into the nursery the door was open and I peeked in. Then the bro in law confronts me there and says hey I’m sorry I got mad. I went ok I just didn’t know why and it kind of hurt my feelings. He then exploded and said because you held it first!! I said wait let me explain. He was so upset he said that I disrespected him! I couldn’t believe what he said I said I think I figured out your problem and it’s you! And walked out. I was so shocked and saddened. And yes by the way he never called the baby a baby or by the child’s name. I also found out he’s been cheating on the mother of his baby since June. He filed for divorce in October and is not final