Advice on switching jobs at 26 weeks pregnant

I live in Florida and I know I don’t qualify for FMLA if I don’t work at the job for at least a year. I’ve been at my current job for 3 years but I’m tired of working here because I work from 8am-6pm and it sometimes takes me over an hour to get home with traffic. I’m also required to work weekends and my days off are Monday and Tuesday. I was actively looking for a different job before I became pregnant, something with weekends off, 8 hour days, and closer to home. But once I found out I was pregnant I stopped looking because I figured it would be pointless because nobody would want to hire a pregnant woman. Then I started thinking it would be nice to be at a job I liked before the baby was here so I could be home sooner and spend more time with her and have weekends off with her instead of not even having a single full day off with her like it is at my job now. A job posting came up right across the street from my house the hours are Monday through Friday from 7am-3pm. Plus they offer insurance and benefits which I don’t have at my job now. I applied last week not thinking anything of it and they just emailed me today asking me to come in for an interview next week. I’d really love to work there and it’s a great opportunity but I don’t know if I should tell them I’m pregnant or not. If I tell them after I’m hired then they could fire me for whatever reason and I’m secure at my job now. Is it even worth it?