Is bonding important ?

I want to know how you all feel about making effort and spending time with your partner. I think that spending time with your partner is very valuable and what helps both sides come closer to one another and helps to keep learning from each other. Making amazing moments is really important wether it’s walking together holding hands or even going out to eat😢 it never has to be anything big at all. I’ve never been a clingy type of person in my relationship of almost 5 years but spending time with my boyfriend means a lot to me and I’m very happy. I’m not saying that couples should always see each other, there should always be a time apart to be alone and do other things but it’s not right to be spending way too much time apart without seeing each other or doing things that can help bond. It then all turns to a big feeling of loneliness. Whenever I’ve talked to him about it he gets mad and doesn’t want to deal with it and just calls me annoying. I wished I didn’t care as much because then it wouldn’t affect me. It makes me feel horrible when he doesn’t make time to see me and chooses to do other things😢 I don’t know what to think or do.