Bad upper abdominal and back pain


Last night (I was asleep on my back) I woke up abruptly to intense pain on my right side almost under my rib and around to my back. It was intense enough I was moaning loud and thought something was really wrong. I was also dizzy and nauseated. After about 20 min it calmed down.

Im currently 16 weeks pregnant. I asked my dr about the whole sleeping on the side thing/ vs back and she said she had only seen if effect people who gained a lot or the baby was really large and a lot later down the road in pregnancy. She said not worry about it but I’d it did happen it would wake me up and I would know it.

Do you think that is it? I was sleeping on my back and that’s what caused it?

I am showing a bump but no weight gain.

All today I’ve had some mild cramping but lower down so I assume that is round ligament pain. Thoughts? Am I being a worry wort?