It’s finally my time!!!! Being induced!!!

Brittany • 28, wife to my amazing husband ❤️, mommy to the sweetest girl 03.08.18 🥰

I went in for my 39 week appointment and was told to head to the hospital! Baby girl is due 2/2 but they said my fluids were low and were concerned baby girl hasn’t picked up much weight in 2 weeks - she’s

still at around 7lbs. Better safe and let her come now I was told but overall she is doing good just waiting for her arrival 🥰! They put me on cervadil (not sure what to expect or how to spell it lol) since my cervix is still long and hard 🤦🏾‍♀️ and if that doesn’t work than the dreadful pitocin tomorrow. Ready to meet my little lady number 2 🥰🥰! Good luck to all my fellow mamas ready to meet their little ones ❤️❤️❤️❤️