Baby fell off footrest of rocker

I placed him sitting on the footrest while I fixed my bra to nurse him. He rolled forward right off in a split second and his the top of his head first on the floor. He gave out a huge scream and I immediately picked him up and soothed him. Within a couples minutes he was smiling and laughing but I called 911 anyway cuz I ain’t playin. They said he was fine. He thought they were hilarious and played with their gloves.

Now he’s sleeping but fussy. He’s congested so I’m wondering if that’s why he’s fussy since he’s never been this congested before. But mostly I’m wondering if the fall messed up his brain and neck and I feel so terrible I can’t believe I let my baby fall!!!! I literally envisioned him falling when I set him down on the footrest so I thought I was being super careful keeping my body weight on his back but he just rolled right off! Ahhh I feel terrible.