It has to be done


I have to night wean and sleep train the babe. It’s gonna be so hard. He’s stubborn and so co-dependent. He’s never been a good sleeper and lately it’s gotten worse and worse. He used to take at least one nap a day in his crib as well as start the night there before coming into bed with me for the rest of the night. Now it’s been weeks of him fighting the crib entirely. He hasn’t had a decent nap since Christmas! He just stands there and cries until he gags. He won’t go down at night. He falls asleep on my lap and wakes up as soon as I put him down. Then he stands and screams. I know I need to change everything about his sleep routine but I’m not sure where to start and how to deal with the heartbreak of ending his co-dependence. I love the cuddles but I’m ready for the break. Ugh.