Any advice on this ?

So yesterday my boyfriend spent most of his day arguing with me. I understand that we started the spring semester of college again and he’s already stressing but so am I and he also boxes like everyday so I understand he’s tired too. However, it hurts me when he throws all his anger out on me when I’ve been trying to make him feel better and try to keep him in a positive mind set. He gets mad because he complained about having to read so much and I said for him to start soon so that things won’t pile up. He gets mad because after boxing he realizes that one of his AirPods doesn’t work. I told him that idk why it doesn’t work that it’s weird. After saying that he tells me that I’m annoying. Which has become one of the words that I hate the most and hurt me now. He always calls me annoying. Whenever I tell him that we don’t go out together, annoying. When I tell him that I want to see you, annoying. Gets mad at me because his AirPods don’t work, annoying. He called me annoying and told me that he didn’t want to talk and I told him why I didn’t do anything, that I don’t understand why he acts that way with me. He sent a paragraph telling me how he tired and don’t want to be dealing with me rn because he got shit to do for school and is exhausted from boxing. Like it’s not my fault, I’m also in college and also have shit to do but instead of stressing over it I’m there helping him and myself by thinking positive. After that I just told him that I’ll leave him alone since I’m so annoying and didn’t reply back. I didn’t want to keep arguing with over some AirPods. He didn’t txt me at all after that and neither this morning. However, few minutes ago texting me saying if I’m okay and alive and that he wants to talk to me that he won’t act like he did yesterday. I haven’t replied. I do want to talk to him I miss him but Idk if I should. What should I do?