Nap time


I’m trying to transition my LO to nap in her crib. The only way I could get her to nap, was to lay with her on the couch and let her nurse or sit on the couch holding her while she nursed and used my nipple as a binky. As much as I love holding her, mama needs a break. I don’t want to feel like a prisoner during nap time anymore. She won’t take a binky, I’ve tried so many. The past few days I’ve been trying to nurse her to her bedtime routine in her room and place her in her crib. Only one successful day she napped for 35 minutes in her crib. She has white noise playing just like at night. But she freaks out when she realizes I’m gone. She’s so easy to get to sleep at night. But nap times have always been a struggle. Anyone else going through this? Any tips? I’m pretty sure I just have to be consistent and let her cry herself to take a nap at this point. I’m hoping eventually I will be able to place her in her bed and she will nap for a longer period. Something’s gotta give tho for my sanity. 😫