Actually free baby stuff?


I cannot remember how I did it, but with my first 3 babies I was able to sign up for something and ended up with a bunch of free formula and stuff...but I can’t remember where or how...

I don’t want to have to sell my email address or do 98 surveys or be obligated to purchase anything (like amazon Registry, which I will still likely do), does anyone have the name of those sites?

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I got free formula from similac. I went to the website to register my due date and they sent me a package. Did the same for enfamil but nothing yet.


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So far I've gotten the Amazon box which does need the $10 purchase first, the target box which was super easy and free as long as you have a target nearby. Walmart will also send you a free one but I haven't done it yet. Buybuy baby has one that you have to pickup at a store but it looks like maybe they make you do some sort of consult with their "registry experts" and ain't nobody got time for that. Babylist has a "free" one if you pay $10 shipping.I'm allll about the free stuff right now lol.