Good Valentine’s Day gift?


Hi! So my hubby and I just recently started TTC but with a little science 🧪! We had our first Fertility appt on the 20th of this month and his dedication/excitement has made me feel so positive about this process. He’s been on board and so supportive.

For Valentine’s Day, I wanted to get him the baby bag he said he’d love once we had a baby. Is it too premature or “bad luck” to buy that for him for Valentine’s Day? I wanted to write him a card saying how I’m excited to start this process with him.

I guess I’ve heard silly superstition about buying baby items before three months of pregnancy (in not even pregnant!) and ugh, what if this doesn’t work?

So is it a good idea? Cute gift? Or should I get him something else! Thank you ladies. I know this is silly but since we’ve been TTC for a while, I’m believing every myth and silly superstition 😭