Is it possible?


Just a little background. We have been trying for over a year and a half but we were told

<a href="">IVF</a>

was the only chance we had to get pregnant because of male factor.

<a href="">IVF</a>

was just too expensive for us to consider so we continued trying hoping something would magically work for us. I tracked everything religiously and ate the “perfect” diet, worked out, took prenatals, etc. every month was the same and every month we were heartbroken but continued to save up so we could go thru with the

<a href="">IVF</a>


... this month I completely missed my period and I’m hoping and praying by some miracle this is it but am terrified it’s not actually going to be.

The hubby and I agreed to wait till Thursday (the weight is killing me!! I so just wanna know but we both work 12s until Thursday)

We only had sex once during my fertile days and I honestly don’t feel any different (no signs or symptoms) what’s the chance I actually am pregnant?

Has anyone else gotten pregnant from only having sex once during their fertile week?