For women who know they have experienced implantation bleeding/spotting. Could this be it??

Katelyn • Mama of 2 boys and 1 girl. TTC for baby # 4. Married since 2016. 💗

I am 10DPO. My OPK was at peak the morning of january 19th. I have tested the past couple of days (BFNs). I have been cramping in my hips the last 4 days and yesterday it started in my lower back off and on. Nothing too painful. Then tonight, I wipe and I have a very light brown color discharge. No pink, not heavy at all. Could this be implantation at 10dpo?? If so please comment when i can start testing if this doesnt become a period. I just dont see why I would start my period 5 days early when I already ovulated 5 days later than expected 🤷‍♀️

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