Wrist Pain

Josie Olivia • Boy Mom. Dog Mom. Wife.

*I did bring this up at my appointment I had Monday, she said it’s honestly just a pregnancy thing and there’s not much they can do.

Okay, y’all, I need some help. 😭 For the past 2-3 weeks my arms go numb sleeping, my wrists hurt and fingers hurt. I’ve been told it’s most likely pregnancy carpal tunnel. It’s getting so much worse, especially in my dominant hand which isn’t handy. It’s an all day thing as well, not just at night anymore. I feel like my wrist is being sliced open, I can barely make a fist and then open it without cringing. My fingers feel like they’re bruised and the pain is unreal. Tylenol doesn’t help, icing it doesn’t help and I can’t wear a brace 24/7.

Does anybody have any last advice? Thank you!