

This is long so sorry in advance lol.

Am I the only one who seems to be getting criticized for every little thing throughout my pregnancy? I’m 20w4d and everyone at my work has known about my pregnancy since week 12. They have been super supportive! However, a couple of women I work with have made comments the past few weeks that really bother me. Here’s a few examples:

“Wow you’re THAT big already? You’re going to be huge!”

“Didnt you say the baby weighs around 10 ounces right now? Where is all your weight coming from?”

“You should really be eating healthier for that baby”

“I’m surprised you’re not planning to be a stay at home mom during what will be the most important time in your child’s life”

“I just can’t believe how big you are for how far along you are!”

there’s more, but thats the gist of it. I was pretty small when I got pregnant and my doctor told me since I’m shorter, I’ll probably show sooner, and I did start showing around 13-14 weeks. I also don’t eat that terribly, but that particular day I was eating a slice of pizza in the break room. I guess I just needed to vent and wanted to know if anyone else felt like they’re walking on egg shells throughout their entire pregnancy? My philosophy is, if you wouldn’t comment on a woman’s appearance normally, don’t do it while she’s pregnant either 😕

Am I just overreacting? I’m not that sensitive of a person but this has been really discouraging. I feel like I can’t even talk about it at work anymore.