Cleft lip and palate baby born at 37 weeks- was due 2.20.20 born 1.30.2020
This pregnancy has been the worst experience of my life. I had a lot going on 24/7.
Was hospitalized 3 times for preterm labor, the first time I had to sign my sons dnr, at 23+5, second time was at 28+5 and third time was at 33+5.
I had bv 8 times, a uti 17 times, and a yeast infection 22 times.
I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 28 weeks, and was never able to get my numbers under control.
We found out at 20 weeks he had a cleft lip, at 29 weeks we found out it was bilateral and it included his palate. We weren’t worried about it but it still added to a lot of stress. Due to his face and GD we had 4/5 appts every week including 2 ultraounds every Tuesday and Friday.
I had been dying to be induced because I was in so much incredible pain. He was so low that last Friday they joked he was wearing my cervix like a hat. I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t eat or sleep. It was a living hell.
Saturday I developed a severe migraine with spots in my vision. I had consistent contractions, and mentioned that I had a migraine. My blood pressure was elevated, they checked me at labor and delivery and said that I was still 3.5 cm and 75% effaced. (I had been 3.5 and 70 for 19 weeks hence the preterm labors)
Tuesday (one day before I turned 37 weeks) I went in and my blood pressure was high. My numbers for my blood sugar had been really good for about a week, but that morning I had fasting blood levels at 145. They had jumped from 70s to 80s to 90s to all of the sudden 140s. I mentioned it and they said that I just needed more insulin and we would talk Friday if I was still having a hard time. My blood pressure was checked before I left an hour later and it was normal.
Tuesday night I was in severe pain and was contracting every 5 min. So I went back to labor and delivery, I was now 4.5 cm dilated and 70% effaced, but I wasn’t progressing over two hours. So they sent me home. Once again my bp was high and then it leveled out. I asked them to test my pee. But they didn’t and sent me home.
Wednesday I woke up to a severe contraction, I puked and peed myself from how terrible and strong it was. Last week Thursday they gave me an induction date of February 13th, one week before my edd. I was not happy. I was miserable, the migraine had taken over, my fasting blood sugar was 252! I called my doctor balling, her coworker told me to come in, but I lived half an hour away and was just there twice the day before. So I waited. And I waited. Around 430, (about 8 hours after I called) I decided I couldn’t handle it anymore. I called my husband and he said he would meet me there.
I get there around 5 and they have me pee in a cup, they monitor me and my contractions had stalled. I was sure I was going home, but my bp was high again. This is my 4th visit with high bp. So the on call doctor had me get blood drawn and decided to test me for preeclampsia, because why not. He came back around 7, and said “I have good and bad news. Good news is I know how badly you want to be induced. And now I have a reason to induce you as early as tonight. Bad news’s because you tested positive for preeclampsia.”
I started laughing, he looked at me like I was crazy. They transferred me to another room; gave me an iv with insulin, penicillin for group b strep, iv fluids, and pitocin. I was terrified as I had read on here how terrible pitocin was.
I labored on pitocin from 745 pm till about 345am before needing the epidural. Only problem was I wasn’t progressing. I fell asleep with the epidural and at 715Am my actual doctor came in to check on me, since she had a surgery at 755am. She broke my water and there was ALOT. To the point where she said that this was why I wasn’t dilated any more. She said there was too much fluid and it was stopping him from being able to progress lower. She left at 745am, and by 1040Am I felt like I was going to poop. The epidural covered everything except the insane burning pressure. I was in so much pain they brought back the anesthesiologist, who gave me more drugs to try to help because I was in such insane pain and I shouldn’t have been.
They came in and checked me and I was 10 cm and ready to go. I’m a first time mom so I was told I’d be pushing for 2-3 hours and I was absolutely dreading it. We got all ready, I pushed for 30 min. And bam he was out. Ring of fire by the way, is insane. And you DEF feel it. I had a second degree tear and had 4 stitches.
He’s perfect. At 37 weeks and 1 day/ January 30th 2020, at 11:24am Dean Montgomery Reese was born. Weighing in at 6 pounds, 14 oz, and 20 in long.
His lungs were perfect, and we are being released on Saturday if his blood sugars stay excellent. We were told that MINIMUM due to his cleft lip and palate he would be in the NICU for at least 3 days. But he’s so perfect we don’t have to stay.

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.