Does anyone have the Mirena IUD and experience anger issues at all? Im finding that having the IUD my temper has exploded with just little things that shouldn't really explode.... any tips would be great!

I got the contraception put in back in May 2019 and the last couple of months my temper has just gotten worse and worse... I can't exactly blame the IUD but its the only thing that has changed in the last couple months....

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Posted at
Oh no, I was a rage machine until I ultimately had it removed for that and other side effects which didn’t subside after 6 months.


Posted at
You may need a birth control that circulates the blood stream cuz it may help if you naturally have PMS or PMDD.


Posted at
I've had mine since May 2018 and my only change is no periods anymore. 🤷


Posted at
I haven’t had my Mirena for more than 3 months. To say my baseline, i think i am level headed and reasonable (i never had terrible pms either). However, Ive noticed that i now get manic and lash out very easily. I also could cry uncontrollably. I know its not ‘me.’ I honestly would like it out, especially since my husband and I still havent had sex at 4 months pp. we have two boys and i am DONE having children, i would love to be on a regular bcp 😞. I am ebf’ing my infant - which i love, but dang, its killing me. Idk what to do 🤷🏼‍♀️