My last BBT chart for awhile! bfp 8dpo

Amy • Biz owner, was a teen mom to a now 18 year old 🩷. Baby #2 was a 5 week NICU warrior born @ 34 weeks in August 2020 💙. Baby #3 born at 33+2 in June 2023, currently in NICU 🩷

I got my first faint line last Friday at 8DPO, and my definite BFP on Saturday at 9DPO. I don’t normally test that early but our anniversary was coming up (Monday) and I wanted to know ahead of time to see if I could give him the test as our anniversary gift. Had I not tested early, I still would not know! If I had to guess based on this chart I would have said there’s absolutely no way this month. My temps have been all over the place, chart is not triphasic at all but the lines get darker every day. I usually get a dip to or below coverline at approximately 5 and 8DPO every month, this month I got a deep dip at 6DPO so it looked normal there too. I’m not sure if that’s the day I implanted because I know implantation dips are a myth, but I was able to get a positive test 2 days later so I’m guessing that’s probably my implantation day.

My period was due today and as of 4 days ago the test line comes up before the rest of the window is even saturated with urine. So a very very strong positive despite the temps being all over the place. I just wanted to temp through AF due date in case it helps anyone else. I am 15DPO today and temps are about average for post-ovulation. You are never out until the witch shows up!

test taken today, 15DPO, on AF due date