I want to help, but is there anything I can actually do?


Please bear with me, it's kinda long:

My boyfriend and I have been dating over two years now and man this is hard right now.

It isn't very much about him and being with him, but rather the things we have to deal with. We are both attending the same community college right now. While I'm a full-time student, he is a part-time student w/ a part-time job. There are a lot of troubles and stress-related things for him right now. Its causing a lot of fear, stress and/or anxiety for him:

— Last semester he started out with only two classes, one not even giving him actual credits towards graduation. [Usually, someone should at least be taking 3 classes for 9 credits (part-time student)]

— He was supposed to get financial aid for classes or else they’d be dropped, but things happened and it failed to get thru. (falling really behind and comparing himself to others, I’m sure he feels anxiety, stress and/or fear of being left behind)

— He’s going to be moving out of his current house to an apartment with a relative soon, so he has to deal with al the paperwork, forms, actually moving etc.

— He thinks he has ADHD but can't afford to get assessed. (He displays like almost all the symptoms)

———due to this he struggles keeping organized, staying focused, completely tasks. he just wants an answer on what going on———

— Family can be sometimes critical and assume since he has a job, he has enough money to take care of himself, including food, paying to school. He’s really in his own tho is only getting around $400 per weekish. And he feels to uncomfortable to ask them as he thinks he’s a bother.

However, despite all my encouraging words he either tries to shut me out or want to change the subject. I know that when he thinks about it, the stress and fear come to him and wants to escape it

Sometimes I can’t even get him to prioritize certain things. He wants to handle it himself, but sometimes doesn’t get far digging himself into a hole. (Cycle repeats leading to more stress etc) How should I handle all of this? How can I support him in a helpful way.