
Kelsiann • Mama to 3 under 3 • Elyse, Nolan, & Jesse 💛

After months of trying & trying.....................

She FINALLY sleeps in her crib 😩

I feel like a new person. I’m not needing to nurse her all night long & I can FINALLY clean my house or take a shower while she’s napping or after I put her down for the night.

The way we did it was any time she stood up, we’d lay her back down. Eventually she’d get tired & only sit up, then we’d lay her down. Then she would just be so tired she’d whine & fall asleep. She did cry a lot, & it was so hard the first night, but I was right there next to her I never left her side. I had 2 hours of sleep ( a mix of missing her next to me, being worried about her being in her own bed, & just not wanting to fall asleep cause I thought she’d wake up soon). The second night was better & by the third night she had it down.

My biggest advice to anyone who’s been struggling with this for a while is forget what every video, article, or other mama is telling you to do. I tried everything & in the end I just had to settle for what works best for us. We don’t have a strict bed time because sometimes she just isn’t ready for bed at 8, 9, or even 10. Our night time routine is just changing her diaper, lotion, & putting jammies on. I nurse her until she’s basically asleep. Not drowsy. Asleep. Getting her just “drowsy” did NOT work for her. I lay her on her back, & she rolls over & sleeps about 7/8 hours, wakes up to nurse & goes back to sleep for another 3/4 hours.

Guys. My husband & I have our bed back. Which means 😏😋🍆

I’m just so happy we finally did it & everyone is happy!!