A little story:


So I've made a few posts on here in the last week or so about ovulation tests. I am seeing a fertility specialist and we have tried numerous rounds of femara and a few rounds of provera to make my cycle come. It has now come naturally for 4 months straight. As someone who has PCOS this is awesome! We started monitoring again this month, getting ultrasounds and bloodwork 2 times a week throughout my cycle and this month I got a positive ovulation test and the doctor is now starting me on prometrium; 2 pills 3 times daily. I have a pregnancy test booked on the 10th and if it comes back positive I will be over the moon ecstatic and me and my bf can finally have the family we have been trying for the last 2 years. If this test comes back negative I have no idea what I will do. I seriously think will stop my journey for becoming pregnant. I will be heartbroken and it will prove to me that none of this was worth it, all the needles and pills and ultrasounds....for what....please please please whatever god is up there sprinkle me with baby dust and just let me have this one thing! That's all I ask!