🤔 what to think

Ok by my lmp I am about 8 wks pregnant went for a u/s last week and they only found a gestational sac so was told to go home expect to start bleeding but still send me to see them this week ok went in this wk a week later and they found a yolk sac this time but was told again to go home expect to start bleeding that the pregnancy is not viable that at this point there should be a fetus and heart beat I went to get my hcg last week it was 38658 and this week it went down to 32799 my gyn wants me back nxt week for another hcg check but ultrasound place told me there is no sense to go back to them to wait to miscarry I’m so confused I’m not feeling cramps or bleeding 😩😢 had some hope has this happened to anyone and had a successful pregnan