Irregular period

Hi, I am currently 20 years old and have had my period since I was 12, however, it has never regulated itself and will mostly start either early or late and I’ll either waste so many sanitary towels whilst waiting on it to begin, or I’ll end up bleeding all over my trousers when it unexpectedly begins and I don’t have protection.

I am seriously considering going onto the birth control pill so that I can finally manage my period and help it arrive more regular so I can be better prepared for it. Is this method effective for other woman who use the pill for this matter?

However, I move to Prague in 2 days for 6 months as a part of a study abroad program with my university, and I don’t have time to visit my gp before I head (I live away for university and registered at the campus doctor, however, my family home isn’t near this clinic and I don’t have the time or transport to visit the clinic before I leave). I know that I should have visited the doctor before now but I truely didn’t realise until now much this effects my life.

Am I best waiting until I come back from Prague in August before visiting the gp, or should I visit a pharmacist in Prague and ask them to help?

Thank you (from someone who is now 4 days late and will now probably be bleeding heavily whilst I am holidaying in the Czech Republic with my parents before beginning university 🙃)