Been trying to conceive for about 6 months...

So I’m not really sure where to start. My fiancé and I decided around 6 months ago to start trying to conceive. I honestly just thought we would get pregnant on our first try... boy was I wrong. With each month that passed by I started getting more and more discouraged and frustrated. In December I was late, and I have never been late so I thought for sure that I was pregnant. I was so happy until I took 5 pregnancy tests.. each one negative. I decided to try and get a blood pregnancy test Which also ended up being negative. I finally started my period today ... 39 days late. And while I knew I wasn’t pregnant I find myself feeling so defeated. I feel like I’m in this place where I shouldn’t be complaining or this upset because I haven’t been told I have fertility issues so I don’t want to complain or mope around if there is nothing wrong and it’s just taking time... but also I don’t know if I should bring this as a concern to a doctor? Since we’ve only been trying 6 months and most stuff I read online says it can sometimes take a year or a little more to conceive..

I don’t really have anyone to talk to or confide in.. I don’t have really any friends or family I can talk to.

I’m sorry if none of this makes sense. I just feel completely alone and I’m honestly so depressed. Not having anyone to talk to is honestly putting me In a really dark place, I was just hoping that there’s someone out there who can relate to me.