Boyfriend watching porn


So I recently went through my boyfriends phone and on his Instagram and Twitter he follows/likes multiple porn accounts and porn stars. With various porn videos and girls posing with legs open and stuff ect..... him and his friend send these porn videos and pictures of these girls to each other saying stuff like “Isn’t she hot?” Or “Cute?🍑💦😍” I find it really insulting, it makes me feel inadequate or not good enough. I don’t do anything like that to him. And if I were to and he found out he would be furious with me. Should I be okay with him looking at these things? Would u guys be mad if you saw this on his phone? And I’ve caught him more than once and the first time I explained how I felt. I even came up with a “sexy solution” saying if u feel horny ask for nudes or videos of me. I would way rather prefer that. And he said he would never do that again. But then here I go and check, and see hes doing it again. Do I have a right to be mad? Are u okay with your boyfriends watching porn? How would u feel? Is it break-up worthy? And I should mention we’ve been together for 2 yrs.