Vasectomy reversal

Abby • Child of God✝️. Happily married 💍. 23 Yrs old. 💖👶🏼 DD 3rd May, '16. 💙👶🏼DS 22nd Jan, '18. DS 9th April, '19💙👶🏼 💖👶🏼 DD 17th Dec, '21 🤰 pregnant with #5 BOY 💙


I really need a sister in Christ to talk to

My husband and i have had 3 children (one girl, two boys)

All of my labours have been very traumatic and my last two both ended up in c sections.

In that outcome,

People (family, friends etc) were starting to tell us why we shouldn't have more because of the experience.

We were so fearful of having more children, my husband was scared for my wellbeing and it lead to get my husband a vasectomy.

Now we are facing the regretful decision we made with much grief and sorrow.

Our heart is weeping, as we have a desire to have more children. Fear has robbed us from a beautiful blessing.

My 4 year old daughter, has been operating by gifts of revelation knowledge from when she was little. She has suprised me in many occasions and even healed me through prayer when I was having pain during pregnancy,

Latley she's been asking for a baby sister, this is too consequentle as she hasn't known about our desire for another child.

We have been to a surgeon and the cost is 6,600 AUD. We are really needing prayer about bringing the finances as my husband and I are only 20 and our income is tight.

I cant get over this grief I'm feeling I trust the Lord with everything in my life I should of listened when He told us not to do it firstly.

I really need advice and direction

If anyone can please pray and see if the Lord speaks to you i would very much appreciate

God bless