Anyone been induced twice? If so, what was your experience?

Natalie • Angel baby, Jesse 26/02/2017 👼🏻 rainbow baby, Jaxen 07/07/2018 🌈 another rainbow girl, Alessia 05/02/2020 🎀

Hello ladies,

So I'm currently 40+4 and am booked in to be induced this Wednesday (due to health issues). If she doesn't arrive by then, this will be the second time I've been induced (technically third as I lost my first precious baby at 22 weeks and had to be induced). I'd just love to hear your experiences please? Was it quicker the second time? Longer? Same? Easier/harder?

With my eldest, I didn't have a bad experience, it was just a long process and I'm dreading having to be away from him for too long 🙈

Really hoping she'll come naturally before Wednesday, I'm suffering with PGP at the moment and it's miserable 😭

Thank you all xx