Have you had a bad experience with a prior epidural but still gotten another one anyways?

Kelly • Mommy of 6, should we make it 7?!?!

So my last delivery didnt go well. My Dr persuaded me to get an epidural and the anesthesiologist accidentally punctured my dura mater and misplaced the catheter. My blood pressure dropped to around 35/20 and due to the misplacement I got a flood of medication that left me unable to move, speak and difficult to breath for almost an hr. Once the meds wore off a bit I could move and speak again and couldn't feel much of the contractions so that was good but after delivery I developed a incapacitating spinal headache due to spinal fluid leaking out. I couldnt sit up, I had severe nausea, I had to take pain killers in order to attempt to care for the baby. Eventually they offered to try a blood patch so I got that procedure done. The patch helped and held for about 2 days and I was able to go home, but once I was home the headache returned full force and I was once again unable to care for my newborn. I went to the ER and they did another blood patch and it didnt work. I was in pain for over 2 weeks and feel cheated that I couldn't enjoy my new baby. Now I'm pregnant again and am torn between getting an epidural again or just giving birth naturally. I had a drug free birth in 2006 and clearly remember the pain lol. I'm just terrified about having the epidural and things going bad again. What would you do in my position?